Friday, September 10, 2010

School and new therapies

homeschool lunch at Chic Fil A - no homeschooler is complete without it

Hooray! SO proud of his work

Jaclyn has taken up cooking while I homeschool. She's a natural...

She is also doing my grocery shopping since I am busy with the others.

We still have to go to Kosair for occasional abdominal x-rays. Jonathan doesn't mind it too much, though, now that we can go to this amazing new facility on Brownsboro Road.

We lost internet access at home the first week of school - and Justin and Jailyn are doing online schooling this year. SO...we ended up at our church trying to work - which mostly ended up in playing as seen in the photo above. Justin found these vests and enjoyed himself immensely at my expense...

Jonathan's wonderful time with First Steps and their awesome therapists ended when he turned three. He is now taking OT with hippo therapy at Green Hill- about 5 miles from our house. His therapist Mrs. Jane is incredible. She works with him on fine motor skills for 30 minutes ever week, then he gets to ride a horse and do fun things for 30 minutes. He LOVES it!

Mrs. Jane and Jonathan

Working hard...

Scoop and pour at home "school" time

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